Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Was very stupid today. too tired then sleep on train. miss woodlands and ended up in yishun. waste of time to go back to woodlands again. Class now planning on a party at weichen house. don't know what time. and we still haven't get parent's permission. maybe got sleepover either this friday or next. up to them to decide man. very tired.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I am freaking tired today from all the school and walking and finally the HEAT. It's not hot, it's just SCORCHING.
Called the transitlink hotline to question about my ezlink card. In the end what the hell they say? 'Please wait until around the first week of MAY." this was what the sexy voice on the other side of the phone said. F***. Another few days of adult fares. why? They so slow in processing my card?
Then went home to find myself doing homework? And man, homework was never fun and it never was. Bad day to end for a good morning tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
today damn tired. Had econs and ec today. Then suppose to go for tuition grant briefing but they say since i changed nationality i don't have to go. ended up staying in the library to compile the STATS homework for my class. then went home at 6.00.
Exhausted totally. My fingers simply freaked out from the typings of the homework. DBF05 man!
Dead and Gone.
Monday, April 20, 2009
First day of school. Had first lesson on econs. Alex lum's the lecturer. All the dbf classes gathered together for an hour or so. Then break. Went to popular to stock in all the textbooks. then still got the lecture notes to buy. Shall buy tomorrow. And ezlink card.
Next is suppose to be project but no teachers turned up at our classrooms so we went to library instead. And everyone was fb-ing down there. Cause we've got nothing better to do.
Then is ITAB. We went to the wrong classroom and waited for half an hour, and naively thinking our lecturer is late. And our lecturer was waiting in the correct classsroom thinking we skip class on first day of school. That's our personal tutor randy ng.
Then he released us early and i proceed to go home. Damn shcked out from baasketball yesterday. Will sleep peacefully.
Good Gracious.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Today had bad day. Really bad. don't bother mentioning so i don't really wanna mention it.
Tomorrow' school first day. Had to get my itab textbook from a senior so i saved the money of buying it. Thanks senior!
Had my first basketball match since months. Man, am i really that old? Rusted already so i'm qite suckie already.
Hope tomorrow's gonna be better.
Nonsense and rubbish.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Erm was home from a day's of work. Very bad results. Learnt from sis that she's going to sponsor my textbook then relieved abit.
Today got quite a number of newbies coming to join granton@sg. But still all's older than me. But they still think i'm older. My face a bit cao lao.
Came home showered. Than had a bankai fight with my sis. Using BROOMS. That was fun. Never knew our family so childish.
then too heated up. Got myself a can of pepsi to chill. That's it. End of my day.
Fabulous and elegant.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Was awake early in the morning trying to figure out what's in for our new class blog.
spent the whole morning editing and re-editing. decided to give up since my head was busted from all the freaking html and css scripts. Damn painful.
Going to school at 2 for buying textbooks and afterwards work again. Super boring and i'm freaking tired de. Took some pictures on the train yesterday with my class. not up yet cause i haven't received the pictures from rui xiang. but is on facebook already so go on check it out.
Dreaded and Fearsome.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today's a non-of-our-business-yet lecture. Something about overseas trips and getting involved in all sorts of rubbish. Yesterday took some pictures at moberly and this is more or less the whole class. Except xiuzhen and siangpin and vivian not included course they not present then. Sorry to take it without you people. Most Sincere Apologies.
Also one thing to mention:
Welcome Vivian to our small family of D.B.F.0.5! Another girl of course. Now our class become quite balance.
Collected tins today for extortions tomorrow. Damn. AMK. Somemore 7 A.M.
Well happy extorting from amkians.

Don't got jealous when i mention my new class: D.B.F.0.5
They...I meant WE ROCK THE WORLD.
They are such a lovely bunch of friends who do not practice anti-social acts on their first day of meeting.
Welcome all my new classmates:
Willie (the Boss a.k.a Chairman)
Wei Chen (Willie.Jr a.k.a Vice-Chiarman)
Aaron (Willie.Jr a.k.a Treasurer)
Rui Xiang
Jun Kang
Siang Pin
And of course, Me
Dong Fang
Xiu Zhen
Yan Nong
Good Gracious
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Aim of the week is to become a leader.
Had Honey Stars for breakfast today. so i hoped today will go well.
Next week finally orientation. Now that i realise i haven't went to anything at all. And my tuition grant issue still post a serious threat to me. Damnation. Forget about it ba.
And one thing, i am very sorry to the ones whose relationship didn't went out the happily ever after ending.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Errrrrrrrr. Went to some place today. Causeway point. Saw loads of naval base secondary people down there. wonder what are they up to.
One thing. On april fool day. i was being pranked umpteen times by people from all walks of life. Usually i was the prankster. But....this year try to do some good by being more quiet a bit.
Enjoy everyone.
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