Monday, April 20, 2009

First day of school. Had first lesson on econs. Alex lum's the lecturer. All the dbf classes gathered together for an hour or so. Then break. Went to popular to stock in all the textbooks. then still got the lecture notes to buy. Shall buy tomorrow. And ezlink card. 
Next is suppose to be project but no teachers turned up at our classrooms  so we went to library instead. And everyone was fb-ing down there. Cause we've got nothing better to do.
Then is ITAB. We went to the wrong classroom and waited for half an hour, and naively thinking our lecturer is late. And our lecturer was waiting in the correct classsroom thinking we skip class on first day of school. That's our personal tutor randy ng.
Then he released us early and i proceed to go home. Damn shcked out from baasketball yesterday. Will sleep peacefully.

Good Gracious.