like that day on thursday, we were talking about people who join canoeing and dragon boat. and lydia was like:" they are so muscular and fit lor! Wa DELICIOUS!" then she gave the hysterical and weiqin was like *jaw drop*. wen jie, you should know better that your baby likes what type of guys liao.
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Went to outing with the lefthanders cliqué. though i skipped school. missed out on ca2 briefing.but no worries though. went to weiqin school to meet. but due to lydia and me road idiotness, we ended up at twelve stops away from his school. actually we saw the sign that his school is there but we thought it was at the other side. then at the twelveth stop, we decide to turn back cause the driver divulged that we missed njc. so we took the bus on the other side of the road. went back his school after much difficulty. wait for him and decide to go to holland village. we were walking aimlessly while i busied myself by looking for a toilet. found it at food junction. continued to walk aimlessly until we decide that we're hungry so we camped at subway holland village. camwhore for a bit at the outlet itself. let the pictures do the talking. then we bused to orchard after eating. damn full.we decide to go to tanglin mall where lydia works. i tried to ask for job but they tell me to call another number instead. then we went to st regis. damn cool. the people there are just simple plain rich. ferrari are like abundant there. next we walk to the forum where me and lydia bought mcflurry. there were plenty of cool shopes down there. one must-go is blackjack. it is damn cool. then we went to wisma atria. walk around the shops for a bit when szeling pop out. she was waiting for her sister's performance at 9.00 while the time we met her was 5+. then we continue walking to taka for a bit. then was like looking for clothes for weiqin and myself. lydia obviously obsessed with topshop. keep telling us to go to topmen and buy clothes. after which we bought nothing and trained home. while on the train we were like dgging lydia's photo album. so many photos that is was freaking tired by the time we finished it. then went to buy some drinks and departed from causeway. great day with them.
Disaterrific Valentino.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
plenty of stuff to talk about but recently all forget what to say.
like the issue on eric and rx.
and i went for rugby training on tuesday night and thursday. was hurtful i must say.cause i keep diving onto the ground. casue of MALCOM!!!i will own you oneday. then i literally forget what i did for these few days.
tomorrow still got fom project to do at i don't the place.still must look for jobs if not cashless.saded.
i guess that's all i could remember.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
damn boring day at home doing practically nothing.
then go basketball with cousins and then got a hole punched right through my foot. though i don't know who the hell did it but it seriously hurts. injured foot and two days later still got selection! how? will never get selected with a hole in the foot.
came back decide to dota with weichen and then slack and do poa and i don't know a single bit of the balance thing. the rest still simple but the balancing accounts i have got no clue at all.
damn must revise liao.
Disaterrific Valentino.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
today come to school with jeann and then report for lesson which is like stats tutorial. then the tutor damn saded. tio suan by so many of us and he don't know what the hell happen at all. especially rui xiang. all sorta rubbish also ask. damn funny. after which got break. psp~~~. then econs lecture, alex. then went to weichen house to kill time for touch rugby session. damn fun. first thing is FUN drill which is run round the stadium twice and do warm ups. then is the passing training call pop pass. i guess i spelled correctly huh? then come to training match which is all "that side!" and "this side!" shouting across. then come the fun part where we gotta remain in oushup position while one of our teammates will do something idiotic across the field and come back untll all done then can come up. damn tired lor.three rounds somemore. finally is the damn fun part which is "the last man standing". the catchers were suppose to stand in the middle and we the extra will run past them trying not to be bing down by them. aand is REALLY BRING DOWN by brute force. if not they call you pussy. damn fun we even had to gang one biggy to bring him down. after the game was dismissal with attendance taking. had subway for dinner and went home to find teck hwee and yan ping at station waiting for sihao. board train and saw elaine and ash and two new friends which i only remember the girl name call caroline if im not wrong. went back to woodlands and then wait teckhwee had his long john while i psp-ed. but before that he say alot of rubbish to me which i guess will come in handy one day. then walked home and tada doing stats and then trying to finish this post. End~
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Had a class bbq yesterday at weichen's house. Very tedious as lots of things to be done.
for example grocery shopping. like one whole bunch of guys shopping for dinner at fairprice clementi. Had a great time trying to set up the charcoal fire. and then after like two hours i finally got the fire starting. SAY THANKS PEOPLE!!. then we starting cooking this and that. Aaron was so hungry he started eating cold hotdogs and crabsticks. elton and ruixiang join uis around 8.45, while eric came at 9++.junkang came at 10++. after everything we were like camwhore here and there. and GIRLS! you people literally flooded my camera with photos of you people! mymy. then one family who had nothing else better to do, decides to throw some of H2O for us. guess they know we need water. threw from 6 or 7 storeys. lucky my head was chilled. if not today's headline not selamat. is condo burnt down with whole family dead. well we never disturb them they have no f***ing reason to do that. forget about it. then the girls and some guys wanna go home so we send them to the station.had plenty of fun on the way. like turning around and scare the girls into nonsense. then we had this 'dark night' thing and were laughing our ass out. then while everyone took train. joyce the dumb took bus. so we were like irritaing at the bus stop until the bus arrive. we even salute to her on the bus. funny thing. after which we were like going to cross the road and go underneath dove station just for the middle of the road one motorist increase his speed at us and pointed his only finger towards us.we were like the whole group pointed back at him. fun.
then went back to weichen house on the way talking about the green man flashing things and laugh our asss out again. at weichen hosue everyone took turns to shower while we watch willie played balckshot. then we had eric to 1v3 us. and he lose until can not.though he was still very pro. then we played a game of public then we watched shoot 'em up. funny show. everything CG de. then we went back to dota while elton was busy sleeping and willie still blackshooting and siang pin don't know do what. 7 plus then we all went back. and forget about the unclear charcoal. and i left my camera at weichen house. came home do nothing and then went to sleep.
that's it simple and short.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Woke up at around 1 today. freaking tired. i must say. some more no one in the house. damn boring liao. then no one online. want to go out also no one to jio. so temporary aim: to find a girlfrined so that when nothing to do can jio her out for dates.
next is school work. i got no idea what the hell i am studying about. cause everything seems more realistic comepare to secondary studies like those nonsense rubbish such as triple science. but i must say things seems easy though not understandable. ok i don't know what i am talking about.
boring's the word.
Horrifying Freaks.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Today's labour day. plentiful of babies to be born. gotta celebrate labour's day. by slacking at home and trying my best to do nothing. recently having difficult to remember things. like my lessons and lectures. the moment i left the lecture hall and tutor room i forget every thing. i wonder like that still can pass my first year or not?
Disaterrific Valentino
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