
Went to outing with the lefthanders cliqué. though i skipped school. missed out on ca2 briefing.but no worries though. went to weiqin school to meet. but due to lydia and me road idiotness, we ended up at twelve stops away from his school. actually we saw the sign that his school is there but we thought it was at the other side. then at the twelveth stop, we decide to turn back cause the driver divulged that we missed njc. so we took the bus on the other side of the road. went back his school after much difficulty. wait for him and decide to go to holland village. we were walking aimlessly while i busied myself by looking for a toilet. found it at food junction. continued to walk aimlessly until we decide that we're hungry so we camped at subway holland village. camwhore for a bit at the outlet itself. let the pictures do the talking. then we bused to orchard after eating. damn full.we decide to go to tanglin mall where lydia works. i tried to ask for job but they tell me to call another number instead. then we went to st regis. damn cool. the people there are just simple plain rich. ferrari are like abundant there. next we walk to the forum where me and lydia bought mcflurry. there were plenty of cool shopes down there. one must-go is blackjack. it is damn cool. then we went to wisma atria. walk around the shops for a bit when szeling pop out. she was waiting for her sister's performance at 9.00 while the time we met her was 5+. then we continue walking to taka for a bit. then was like looking for clothes for weiqin and myself. lydia obviously obsessed with topshop. keep telling us to go to topmen and buy clothes. after which we bought nothing and trained home. while on the train we were like dgging lydia's photo album. so many photos that is was freaking tired by the time we finished it. then went to buy some drinks and departed from causeway. great day with them.
Disaterrific Valentino.